For the last few days Seattle has had unseasonably warm and sunny weather. Plants are blooming, birds are chirping, and people are walking around in shorts and sandals. What, you might ask, have my solar panels thought of all this unexpected sunshine? It turns out that until this spate of sunny weather my production had been noticeably below expectations.
In the charts below the blue shows last year's data, the red line is this year, and the green line is a linear estimate of the production for the month based on the expected total. The first week of February performed very poorly, about half of what was generated last year. Week two was noticeably better and about average for the month. The last three days, though, have been spectacular. Cumulative production for the month is now right on track with the estimate. Hopefully we'll continue to see average (or better) weather for the rest of the month!
Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.