October turned out to be a much better month than September, particularly in terms of system stability. Whatever was plaguing the inverter seems to have settled down and after a reboot the panel monitors/optimizers seem to be humming right along. Production for the month was right on track with estimates, though it was noticeably lower than October of last year. Compared to last month production was, not unexpectedly, down considerably.
Read MoreSolar Performance - September 2015
September was a rough month for my solar panels. On several days the inverter failed and shut down, which meant no power was produced. In the last 10 days of the month the monitoring and control unit for the individual panels also froze, reducing efficiency (and giving me some holes in my data).
Read MoreSolar Performance - August 2015
My solar numbers for August turned out pretty well, though it's clear that summer is starting to wane. Compared to last August use was down and production was up, though only slightly. More noticeable was the drop in production compared to last month as the days are getting shorter and the weather cloudier.
Read MoreSolar Performance - July 2015
July was a fairly typical summer month, with production coming in just a bit (half a percent) shy of the estimate for the month. As expected production was a bit lower than last month although it was better than last year.
Read MoreSolar Performance - June 2015
June turned out to be a great month for solar, with a hefty amount of production, a sizable incentive check, and even a small mystery!
Read MoreSolar Performance - May 2015
This month got off to a strong start with a string of sunny days, but around mid-month the traditional Seattle "June Gloom" rolled in early and put a real damper on production. The month ended up just a little shy of estimates, about 6 kWh short of the expected 469 kWh.
Read MoreSolar Performance - April 2015
April turned out to be a very good month for my solar panels, handily beating the estimate for the month as well as last year's performance. I finished the month with a surplus of about 250 kWh sent to the grid, having generated just short of 400 kWh.
Read MoreSolar Performance - March 2015
March turned out to be a good month for my solar panels, with production beating both the estimate and last year's production. I sent a surplus of power back to the grid, and am rapidly closing in (already!) on having a surplus of power for the year.
Read MoreSolar Performance - February 2015
This post is a bit overdue, but I'll make up for it with a slew of new charts. I've started collecting solar radiation data from a nearby weather station and am using that to estimate the efficiency of my panels on a daily basis. I've also incorporated some additional comparisons between past data (yearly and monthly) to see how my system performance may be changing over time.
Read MoreSolar Performance - January 2015
With the new year I've decided to put together a few new charts, mostly to compare my system's performance over time. Compared to December my use was pretty much the same. My production, however was up by about 22.7%.
Read MoreEnergy Use in 2014
Recently I was thinking that it would be interesting to take a look at the amount of energy I use (and generate) to see how it varies over time. I already had daily data for my electrical and gas use, but thought that it would be interesting to see if this correlated to the weather. Luckily I found a weather station near my house that had a treasure trove of data, including solar radiation numbers. It took me awhile to pull all the data together, but I was able to come up with an interesting set of charts. I'm also trying something new in this post by embedding the charts directly, which should make them interactive. Let me know how it works for you!
Read MoreSolar Review 2014
I finally had a chance to sit down and go through my solar numbers for 2014 and they look pretty good! Over the course of the year I generated a sizable surplus of power, about 35% more than I used.
Read MoreSolar Performance - December 2014
Despite being the lowest producing month of the year my numbers for December 2014 turned out to be really good compared to the installer's estimate. In fact, the DC production was 47% more than the estimate of 43 kWh at nearly 72 kWh. AC production was lower (63 kWh) due to DC-to-AC conversion losses. As expected my solar production wasn't enough to meet my usage needs for any day this month, though overall about 34% of my use was provided by the solar panels on my roof.
Read MoreAerial View & System Summary
At long last I finally found an aerial view of my roof taken after my solar panels were installed, courtesy of nearmap.com. It's fun to see how the panels are actually laid out, though the resolution here isn't high enough to see the tilt of the roof underneath. This imagery is from September 5, 2014.
Read MoreWinter Solstice: Solar Power vs. Day Length
Now that I've got a year of data under my belt I thought it would be interesting to compare my production with the length of the day. The chart below shows my daily solar production (in kWh) in blue and the length of the day (in hours) in red.
Read MoreSolar Performance - November 2014
Fall is definitely here. I only had one day this month with a surplus of power, and total production dropped under 100 kWh. On the bright side the panels still produced more than estimated, about 48% of my power use for the month.
Read MoreSolar Snow Day, Followup
Following up on the snow day post from a few days ago, here's what happened as the snow melted. Looks like it took about three to four days to get back to normal. Temperatures were in the middle to upper 30's during the day and below freezing at night.
Read MoreSolar Snow Day!
Even solar panels take the day off when it snows.
Read MoreThe Shape of Days, and a Fall Mystery
In mid-November Seattle had a series of unexpectedly clear sunny days between storm fronts that provided a great opportunity to compare my Fall solar production with sunny Summer days.
Read MoreSolar Power, One Year In
On November 21st I finished my first year of solar power with good news: I still had a surplus of power sold to Seattle City Light! Despite using just over 2500 kWh for the year I sold an extra 718 kWh. This just goes to show that solar power really does work in Seattle!
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